Monday, October 24, 2016

Journal 4: Project Plan

·       Site title - Ms. Schonder’s First Grade Leaders
·       Developer – Amber Schonder
·       Rational or focus – I would like to create a website to increase parent communication. I want parents to have digital access to weekly newsletters, homework, weekly lesson overviews, additional resources, basic classroom information, and also a quick link to email me. The intention is to create a website where parents can go to access anything pertaining to our classroom.
·       Main features outline - List the main features of the site. 
    • Welcome
    • Class information
    • Communication
    • Resources
·       Content - Number of individual Web pages. Brainstorm subtopics for your site. Have a concise outline of the information your site will contain.
1.     Welcome
2.     Class Information
      • Basic Information – Class Supplies, Wish list
      • Weekly Newsletter
      • Homework
      • Monthly Overview
3.     Communication – all contact information, embedded email box
4.     Resources
§  Leader in Me
§  Language Arts – Wonders, Starfall
§  Math – Think Central, First in Math
  • Target audience – The audience for my site will be the parents of my students. They come from a low-income area and many of them work or have younger children that are not in school yet.
  • Design considerations. List the design goals for the site.
    • Easy navigation
    • Accessibility from mobile and desktop
    • Inviting, but not overwhelming
    • Incorporate classroom theme – Pete the Cat – blue, yellow, red, green background colors, black & white text
  • Limiting factors - List the technical or audience factors that could limit the design goals of the site.
    • Accessibility from home, other than a smart phone
    • Many of my parents are only Spanish speaking

A Site Map is a visual representation of the various pages in your website and how they are linked together.  This will be the site map I am going to use but the home page will have four submenus to choose from.

A wire frame is a visual representation of the look and layout of the website: header, footers, columns, etc.
Pete the Cat Background Picture
Header- Ms. Schonder’s First Grade Leaders
Class Information
Monthly Overview

Welcome Message
Footer - Copyright

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